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Explorer Post Rocketry Team
FIRST LEGO League competition

Join a Team!

Being part of a team is a great way for children and teens  to experience immersive learning and challenge themselves to achieve new goals. The Rockville Science Center provides support to a number of engineering teams

under the umbrellas of Explorer Post 1010 and FIRST (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology).


Sign up for these teams takes place in late summer/early fall. Want to learn more about these opportunities? We invite you to sign up for our upcoming information meeting or Explorer Post Open House. You can also review online the information that is being shared at the information meeting and submit the FLL survey if your child is interested in being part of an FIRST Lego League (FLL) team). For more info, contact

Learn More & Sign Up

No events at the moment

Explorer Post 1010 

Rockville Science Center sponsors the coed Explorer Post 1010, organized under the National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. Post 1010 is a group of around 40 high school students with interests in computers, robotics, rockets, and engineering.


Participants meet weekly in teams to prepare for competitions in one of four national programs (see below). Historically, Post 1010 teams have done very well, winning high-level tournaments and receiving many awards. 















Registration  takes place in the fall with a recruiting open house in early September. Each team has an adult coach, but the teams are led and run by the teens. For most members, it is a four year commitment. Dues are required to cover the cost of registration and equipment. Many of the national competition events require travel out of the state.  Transportation costs are covered by participants.


More information about Post 1010 projects may be found at the Post 1010 website:


To join Post 1010, email us at or call Bob Ekman, Advisor, 301-512-1278

Explorer Post FTC Team
Explorer Post Rocketry Team
Explorer Post Robotics Team

First Tech Challenge

In First Tech Challenge students build, program, test and document a robot to complete autonomously and remotely operated in a scored game field.

The American Rocketry Challenge (TARC)

TARC team members are challenged

to build and fly a mid-size rocket

to a specific altitude and

return to the ground

in a specific time period.

Botball® Educational Robotics

The Botball program requires students

to build, program, test and document

two robots to compete autonomously

in a scored game field.

UAS4STEM (Unmanned Aerial System) 

The UAS4STEM program

requires students to build and fly

a mid-size quad-copter

through a competition course

in a limited time.


FIRST LEGO League is an international competition organized by FIRST (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology) for elementary and middle school students (ages 9–14). Each year in August, FIRST LEGO League introduces a scientific and real-world challenge for teams to focus and research. During the fall and into the winter, teams meet at least once a week for about 3 hours.












Teams must register with the national program by the end of September ( Two parents need to be identified as coaches for the team. Registration and equipment costs are covered by the participants.


Rockville Science Center supports Rockville-area participants in the following ways:


  • In August, we gather the names of adults and students who are interested in participating in the upcoming year’s competition, and facilitate sharing of this information to help the formation of local teams.


  • In September, we loan out RSC-owned FLL robotics kits and boards to those teams who don’t already have the equipment. We also loan parts and provide assistance as we are able throughout the preparation period (September-December).


  • In December and January, we hold scrimmages for local teams to practice for competition.


  • We host a qualification tournament in January for Maryland teams.

FIRST LEGO League scrimmage
Girls competing at a FLL tournament
FLL medal
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